Degreed Pathway Completion Date
Hi Degreed Team,
I'm trying to get some data on something like "Pathway First Competed On" type thing. How would I go about doing that? As of right now the Completions API for Pathway shows progress, but not when it was first completed by the user. Am I doing something wrong here? Is there another avenue I can explore?
Thank you,
Hey Ankit, sorry for the lag in answering your question.
You're not doing anything wrong. In our system, we don't create a specific record of a user's progress on a pathway. As such, we don't actually have a datestamp for when the pathway was completed. There are several reasons for this. One of the reasons is that many pathways are dynamic, so a user would complete and "uncomplete" a pathway as new content items are added to or removed from the pathway. Everytime the pathway was modified, all users following it would need their user-pathway record updated. This would perform very bady.
Instead, the API identifies progress dynamically.
The best approach is for your need is:
- Get the user's completions via https://developer.degreed.com/reference/get_api-v2-users-id-completions
- Get the pathway's content items via https://developer.degreed.com/reference/get_api-v2-pathways-id
- See which user completions match pathway content items
- See which user completion is the last: that is when the user completed the pathway.
Hi Team,
This is still the only way to get the completion date?
If yes, could you share some code examples?
Thanks a lot