Authentication Endpoint does not send JSON as Response
We are using the API to retrieve certain information on courses, skill plans and pathways. Until last week everything worked fine, but all of a sudden the authentication endpoint sends a html-response instead of JSON.
Software-Probleme bei der Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen
Hallo zusammen, ich stecke seit Wochen in einem echten Dilemma. In meiner Firma sollen wir ein neues Software-System einführen, das den gesamten Betriebsablauf optimieren soll. Leider gibt es ständig Probleme mit der Anpassung an unsere spezifischen Anforderungen. Wir arbeiten im Gesundheitswesen, und jedes Software-Modul, das wir testen, scheint entweder zu kompliziert oder zu unflexibel zu sein. Hat jemand von euch Erfahrungen mit maßgeschneiderter Softwareentwicklung und kann mir da weiterhelfen?
Is it possible to get a free Degreed sandbox account to develop an integration and SSO with my application?
Good afternoon everyone,
How do I assign a pathway as required learning to a certain user? Is there an API for that?
Hi I have a usecase to show progress of a certain pathway to the user. Which API endpoint do I use to assign this pathway as required learning for the user?
Checking progress on certain course
Is there an API to check the user's progress on a certain course?
During PATCH, “login-disabled” is not getting updated to Boolean true
During PATCH, “login-disabled” is not getting updated to Boolean true
During PATCH, “bio” field is accepting more than 2000 characters
During PATCH, “bio” field is accepting more than 2000 characters
During PATCH, password field is accepting less then 8 characters
During PATCH, password field is accepting less then 8 characters.
We are not able to update "personal-email" using PATCH Method if it is not NULL, Using rest API.
We are not able to update "personal-email" using PATCH Method if it is not NULL, Using rest API.
"Organization Email" in PATCH Request is accepting invalid email id's. During POST it is throws "can't be null", instead of invalid organization email.
"Organization Email" in PATCH Request is accepting invalid email id's. During POST it is throws "can't be null", instead of invalid organization email.