Pathway Subsection sequence is ignored
Hello, when trying to create a Pathway, the sequences that I provide in my request are ignored and the API sequences the subsections in the order that the objects were provided in the JSON Array
Endorsements attached to content
Right now the Pathway API calls allow us to see if a Pathway is endorsed or not. With now being able to endorse content at the content level, is there an enhancement that is planned in the near future for completions API calls? The immediate question we're trying to answer is if there is a significant difference between clicks on unendorsed vs. endorsed content.
Mentoring flag on user record
For orgs which have the opportunities market place enabled, users have the option to make themselves available as mentors by enabling the "Become a Mentor" flag on their profile. Is it possible to retrieve this data point via the API?
How can I jump to a section in a pathway via an external link?
Hi all,
SSO MetaData URL
Dear team
We have a PHP application and we want to use degreed API to manage the below functionality through the PHP application:
xAPI - Pathway completion
x-api get statements filters
1.how to get list of all supported verbs which can be used as filter for the get statements x-api ?
for eg. - https://api.degreed.com/xAPI/verbs/completed , https://api.degreed.com/xAPI/verbs/loggedin
Add Custom User ID in assessment link
Hi Guys,
How can I use the profile-image-url?
I've checked the documentation and there isn't anything I can see on using the profile-image-url present in the users data.