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API Filters

Use of filter\[external_id\]= within beta api environment for Content Get requests is not being applied. Issue started on Sunday 02/04/2023 where previously had been working as expected. The response contains all unfiltered data. Test requests within the TryIt environment work as expected but when exported to Postman they are failing to filter without any change to request url.

xAPI - Pathway completion

Hi, How can I use xAPI to see if a user completed a pathway. Regards, Rohit

[Error] Invalid user identifier on completions API

Whenever we try to make an API call to submit completions for a customer's learner using the completions endpoint([https://base-api-url/api/v2/completions](https://api.betatest.degreed.com/api/v2/completions)), we get this error "Invalid user identifier". We are using email as the identifier type and we are getting this error for a lot of learners. I can confirm that all these learners exist on the customers side and are valid learners. Posting below an example request/response body for reference. **REQUEST** ``` { "data": { "type": "completions", "attributes": { "user-id": "[email protected]", "user-identifier-type": "Email", "content-id": "ABC+XYZ", "content-id-type": "ExternalId", "content-type": "course", "completed-at": "2023-10-04T19:11:35.077Z", "percentile": 60.0 } } } ``` **RESPONSE** ``` Client create_course_completion failed: { "errors": [ { "id": "exampleid", "code": "bad-request", "status": 400, "title": "Bad Request", "detail": "Invalid user identifier: [email protected]", "source": "[email protected]" } ] } ``` Any help on this will be highly appreciated!

Content migration (from Degreed to another platform)

Good day. We have looked at the Degreed API documentation and don't seem to find an immediate answer. If we need to migrate content from Degreed onto another platform, what is the best way to do this? Is there perhaps an alternate API to consider?

Does the "Get All Required Learning Items" call include Assigned content e.g. Assigned Pathways?

Does the "Get All Required Learning Items" call include assigned content e.g. assigned Pathways?

Skills associated to a Plan and to Pathways

Using API, is there a way to get all skills attached to a Plan. Same question for skills attached to a Pathway ? Thank you

Null 'Completed At' in 'Completions' API

I am checking the response on the https://api.betatest.degreed.com/api/v2/users/{id}/completions API. I see all of the records have a null 'completed-at' value, even though it should have a valid date as all these learning items have been completed. Please advise.

Get User Contents

I understand 'https://api.betatest.degreed.com/api/v2/users/{id}/pathways' can be used to get pathways assigned to a specific user. If I need to get content and all other learning items currently assigned to a user, what do you recommend? I understand 'https://api.betatest.degreed.com/api/v2/users/{id}/completions' is a possibility but this would return only the completed items. How about other work items which haven't been started yet or are in progress?

x-api get statements filters

1.how to get list of all supported verbs which can be used as filter for the get statements x-api ? for eg. - <https://api.degreed.com/xAPI/verbs/completed> , <https://api.degreed.com/xAPI/verbs/loggedin> 2. what is the verb to get completed pathways? 3. what is the value that we need to enter for agent field ? Is it email or name ? i tried both but doesn't work. 4. what is the datetime format of "since" and "until" fields ?

Internal Server Error for Completions

I've been trying to use get all completions but late last week though today I'm still receiving a 500 internal server error. I am using this endpoint and including the date filters: <https://api.eu.degreed.com/api/v2/completions> Could it be an issue on my end? All other endpoints seem to be working fine. Thank you!