Special characters like àóü get stored as È in the API
When creating content like courses, and having a title like "Título", with an accentuated character, the API responds with "TÈtulo". This doesn't happen when creating the exact same course through the UI, so it's probably an issue with the API itself. It also happens with the "Try It!" feature in the API documentation, so it's probably not caused by our integration.
Hi, I'm using create a new group API. We are trying to pass special characters in the Name and description feild like apostrophe(') at the input, But we are getting ' at the output instead of (') character. Why this is happening?
Getting 429
Test Connection Endpoint?
Is there a test connection endpoint avaiable?
UTF-8 Issue
Hi Team,
I am trying to "Create a New Completion" and activity type in degreed is "Post". API call returns an error :"field content-type has the following problem: must be one of the following values: article, assessment, book, course, event, podcast, task, video". Is there a work around to this?
Deactivate user in degreed
Does degreed has option to deactivate a created user? If so which api and attribute need to be used?
[Error] Invalid user identifier on completions API
Whenever we try to make an API call to submit completions for a customer's learner using the completions endpoint(https://base-api-url/api/v2/completions), we get this error "Invalid user identifier". We are using email as the identifier type and we are getting this error for a lot of learners. I can confirm that all these learners exist on the customers side and are valid learners. Posting below an example request/response body for reference.
[Error] user-identifier-type not working properly
Hi! I'm posting completions correctly by using Email as user-identifier-type, ONLY when the given user has EmployeeId filled. If the user has the employee-id as null, it doesn't work, no matter I'm specifying the user-identifier-type as Email.
Custom Attribute Scope
I noticed that with the July release custom attributes have been added as end points.will we actually obtain those scope permissions? I'm also wondering if there will be a rules API, although I understand that could be complex.