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New attribute "learning-minutes" on content items

I noticed that the API /content endpoint is now returning an attribute called "learning-minutes". Example: ```json { "type": "content", "id": "n48KeX", "attributes": { ... "duration": 608.0000, "duration-type": "Seconds", "provider": "YouTube", ... "learning-minutes": 10.13, ... }, ``` I'm sure this attribute has not been there a few month ago, yet I cannot find any mention of this attribute in the KnowledgeCenter or in the developer portal. It is not even listed as an attribute in the API Reference response object documentation of the /content endpoint. Could you please provide some insights on this new attribute? What is its intention? Why was it added and why is was this not communicated prior to adding it? How are different duration values converted to learning-minutes? What is the default value?

Generating Access Token in Demo not working

When I try to generate the access token in the tutorial (<https://developer.degreed.com/reference/post_oauth-token-1>) it gives me a 400 error with the reason being "invalid credentials". Is this a problem on my end?

Degreed Pathway Completion Date

Hi Degreed Team, I'm trying to get some data on something like "Pathway First Competed On" type thing. How would I go about doing that? As of right now the Completions API for Pathway shows progress, but not when it was first completed by the user. Am I doing something wrong here? Is there another avenue I can explore? Thank you, Ankit

Getting parsing error since JSON response key is having HYPHEN '-', getting parsing error

Hi we are integrating Degreed API with Servicenow, we are getting parsing error since response object is having a key. below e.g. degreed-url, created-at etc we are getting the parsing error. please let us know if anyone has faced the similar problem "data": [ { "type": "skill-plans", "id": "xxxL4K", "attributes": { "name": "Test", "description": "", "visibility": "Author", "degreed-url": "https://degreed.com/plan/16xxx59", "created-at": "2020-12-03T22:35:49.4971346", "modified-at": "2021-03-24T19:03:54.7221652", "plan-type": "Target", "is-endorsed": true, "can-collaborate": true, "external-id": null, "subtitle": "", "can-follow": true, "image-url": "" }, "links": { "self": "https://api.degreed.com/api/v2/skill-plans/sKj2K" } },

Get User Contents

I understand 'https://api.betatest.degreed.com/api/v2/users/{id}/pathways' can be used to get pathways assigned to a specific user. If I need to get content and all other learning items currently assigned to a user, what do you recommend? I understand 'https://api.betatest.degreed.com/api/v2/users/{id}/completions' is a possibility but this would return only the completed items. How about other work items which haven't been started yet or are in progress?

Null 'Completed At' in 'Completions' API

I am checking the response on the https://api.betatest.degreed.com/api/v2/users/{id}/completions API. I see all of the records have a null 'completed-at' value, even though it should have a valid date as all these learning items have been completed. Please advise.

Content migration (from Degreed to another platform)

Good day. We have looked at the Degreed API documentation and don't seem to find an immediate answer. If we need to migrate content from Degreed onto another platform, what is the best way to do this? Is there perhaps an alternate API to consider?

Accepted Header values

Hello. Hope everyone is well. I am going to begin a project to consume and store some of our more vital API data. If anyone has implemented something similar I would love to hear an overview. The issue I cant find an answer for currently is if Degreed's API will return any format except JSON? I would really love to have my queries returned in CSV so I can more easily transfer to databse table storage. Any advice would be appreciated!

Question on timeout

Hi all, is it possible for Degreed to extend the timeout value of API. I had been splitting the data to be retrieved with a filter, but recently the amount of data has been increasing, and again I get "The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable." Thank you in advance

"Experiences" available in API?

Hi Degreed Team I am looking to pull "Experiences" for all our users via the API but cannot find an endpoint that allows me to do this. I tried /users/{id}/completions because all experiences of a user are available in the user_activity report. But the experiences are not available there. I also tried /users/{id}/accomplishments but this only seems to return what is listed under "Achievements" in the UI. Are experiences data available in the API? If so, how can I retrieve them? If not, are there plans to add them and when?