
Content Integration Concepts with the API

Different Content Endpoints

There are several sub-endpoints on the /content path. To create, update, or delete a piece of content, you must use the specific sub-endpoint, e.g., /content/articles to create, update, or update an article. You can use the specific sub-endpoint or the generic /content endpoint to get a piece of content.

The primary /content endpoint helps work with content items of unspecified type. You can use it to get all content regardless of type or a specific piece of content when you don't know the content's type.

Getting Content

When you GET a piece of content by ID, generally speaking, the server will return it if your access_token has the correct scope.

When you GET content without an ID, that is, GET ALL content, to support the most common use cases, the server often holds back some content. Content items that do not show up in GET ALL requests include mainly:

  • Content that is marked obsolete
  • Content from third-party providers if your organization no longer has an active integration with the provider
  • Other content limited by your organization's licensing arrangements
  • Content that is included in administrative groups, unless filter[include_restricted]=true. The default is false.
  • Content from native providers.

Associating Skills to Content

To associate a skill to a piece of content, i.e., to record that such-and-such a book improves such-and-such a skill, use the /content/{id}/relationships/skills endpoint. You can also use this endpoint to delete such an association.

User Added Content

User added content cannot be created or updated using the API. User added content refers to content that a user adds to their profile, Pathway, or Plan that is not associated with their organization or a provider. This content can be retrieved using GET methods (with the appropriate parameters) on content endpoints, however, POST and PATCH methods cannot be used to create the content.