Terms of Service
The Degreed Application Programming Interface (API) facilitates the management of the Degreed platform and provides enterprise clients access to platform features and activity data. By accessing or using the Degreed APIs on behalf of an enterprise client, you represent and warrant that you have authority to bind that entity to the Terms and by accepting the Terms, you are doing so on behalf of that entity.
You will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and you will not use the APIs to encourage or promote illegal activity.
API Limitations
Degreed sets and enforces limits on your use of the APIs (e.g. limiting the number of API requests you may make). You agree to, and will not attempt to circumvent, such limitations documented with each API. If you would like to use any API beyond these limits you must obtain Degreed’s express consent. To seek such approval contact your Degreed client representative.
You agree Degreed may monitor use of the APIs to ensure quality, improve Degreed products and services, triage issues, and verify your compliance with these terms.
User Privacy
You will comply with all applicable privacy laws and regulations including those applying to Personally Identifiable Information (PII). You will comply with the security and privacy policies as set forth by your organization and adhere to all relevant privacy policies and regulations controlling the use of PII data.
Unless expressly permitted by Degreed, you WILL NOT, and WILL NOT PERMIT others acting on your behalf, to do the following with the APIs or data returned from the APIs:
- Scrape, build databases or applications, or otherwise create permanent copies of such data for the purpose of cloning the application in a manner which circumvents the need for users to access Degreed.
- Copy, translate, modify, create derivative work of, sell, lease, lend, convey, distribute, publicly display, or sublicense to any third party;
- Reproduce and populate core Degreed functionality including, but not limited to pathways, plans, pages, skill ratings, manager ratings, skill review, skill certification, recommendations, groups, followers, and shared and saved items
- Interleave non reporting data with data from other systems in a manner that would cause the user to think the data was from Degreed.
- Load illegal, inappropriate, malicious, or harmful content, links or information to Degreed
- Load copyrighted or protected content, links, or information to Degreed without explicit permission from the copyright or license holder for use by the intended audiences or purposes
- Direct users to source content URLs which would allow users to bypass Degreed content item pages
Updated about 3 years ago