Accessing Data via the Global Admin Tool for Extended Enterprise Organizations

Extended Enterprise is a Degreed offering for companies that want independent Degreed child sites for each of their different user populations. User populations might be groups like partners, contractors, different brands under a global company, or for administrative segments. Extended Enterprise lets you manage and maintain all of your child site content through a single parent site called the Global Admin Tool (GAT). Extended Enterprise child sites are also known as tenant organizations.

The GAT is the set of pages you use within the Degreed UI to manage your Extended Enterprise organizations, the Global Catalog for your organizations, Groups, Insights, and settings such as branding, permissions, and the list of Global Admins.

The Degreed API provides partial support for GAT with content, users, and completions endpoints. If the X-Degreed-Organization-Code header is included in the request to supported endpoints, the endpoint will return content for the tenant organization related to the header value as long as the organization is a member of the Extended Enterprise parent organization.

For a complete list of endpoints that work with GAT, see Endpoints that Allow GAT Access.


For the X-Degreed-Organization-Code header to work correctly, the API key cannot have a provider attached. The API key must be tied only to an organization.

Endpoints That Allow GAT Access

The following endpoints work with GAT when the X-Degreed-Organization-Code header is included in the request.

GET, GET all, and POST methods for:


The PATCH method is only supported on the /completions endpoint.

You must provide the tenant organization code as the value for the X-Degreed-Organization-Code header. Contact your Degreed technical partner if you are unsure what your organization code is.

Example Header:

-H "X-Degreed-Organization-Code: <tenant_organization_code>"

Accessing and Adding Content to Your Extended Enterprise Organization

To access and add content to your Extended Enterprise tenant organization using the API, your API request must:

  • use the API key for the Extended Enterprise organization
  • include the "X-Degreed-Organization-Code": "{tenant-org-code}" request header for the tenant organization you want to access.

To add content to a tenant organization, use the POST method with a content endpoint that allows GAT access.

Example Request:

  -H "Content-Type: application/json"
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
  -H "X-Degreed-Organization-Code: <tenant_org_code>"
  -d '{
       "data": {
            "attributes": {
                 "external-id": "1234",
                 "title": "Example Article",
                 "url": "",
                 "num-words": 200

Content can also be added to a bundle and viewed in the bundle GAT user interface in Degreed. To add content to existing bundles, use the Add Resources to a Bundle endpoint. Make sure the bundle you are adding content to is shared with the child organization. Refer to Share a Content Bundle for information on visibility settings.


  • If you want to share provider content from a parent organization to a child organization through a bundle, the provider must be configured for both organizations. Contact Degreed Technical Support for assistance with configuring Enterprise Content providers.
  • Provider content does not appear in the GAT on the Content tab. When creating a Pathway in the GAT, and you search for content to add to the Pathway, provider content appears.